Thursday, April 22, 2010

'The First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All the Editors'

Apologies to Will Shakespeare.

The UK’s Guardian, rather an anti-Israel rag, ran this headline today:
Binyamin Netanyahu tells US: We won't stop east Jerusalem settlement building .

If I were using this headline in my Copy Editing 101 Class, it could be translated this way: Husband Admits to Asshole Reporter: ‘No, I Haven’t Stopped Beating My Wife’.

Netanyahu told AIPAC in a speech last month that “Jerusalem is not a settlement; it’s our capital.” Netanyahu doesn’t consider construction in Jerusalem for Israeli Jews “settlements.” So he didn’t say that he would stop building settlements in Jerusalem.

But The Guardian feels they can report that, “Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has reportedly told the US administration that his government will not stop settlement construction in east Jerusalem, despite US pressure and long-running deadlock in peace talks.”

For you Europhiles out there, this is crap with a British accent.

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