Friday, November 06, 2009

Arizona Honor Killing

Amidst all the hoopla about last week’s FBI raid in Dearborn, and now the shooting at Ft. Hood, last week’s story about an honor killing in Arizona received almost no attention. Mark Steyn provided an update Tuesday on The Corner at NRO:

Noor Ignored [Mark Steyn]

Noor Almaleki, whom I wrote about over the weekend, has died, the latest Western victim of a Muslim honor killing. If there were a Matthew Shepard murder every few months, Frank Rich et al would be going bananas about the "climate of hate" in our society, but you can run over your daughter, decapitate
your wife, drown three teenage girls and a polygamous spouse, and progressive opinion and the press couldn't give a hoot. Indeed, as The Atlantic notes, it's merely an obsession of us right-wing kooks.

During the IRA's long campaign against Her Majesty's Government, British officials had a cynical phrase about containing Northern Ireland to "an acceptable level of violence." I wonder what the silent U.S. media will settle on as the "acceptable level of violence" against Muslim women. Ten honor killings a year? A couple dozen? A hundred?

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