Saturday, December 16, 2006

CAIR Awarded for Free Speech on Thursday, Silences Blog on Friday

According to CAIR’s website, CAIR-Michigan’s very own Dawud Walid was honored by the Detroit ACLU on Thursday for “courageously defending the Bill of Rights and helping to protect our civil liberties.” What the ACLU had in mind was congratulating one of its co-plaintiffs, CAIR-MI, in their ridiculous, and doomed, lawsuit against the NSA, which is on its way to being eviscerated by real judges at the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. We took a look at that case in September.

But I really got a kick out of the article's description of CAIR's mission “to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.”

The article, datelined December 15 and entitled "CAIR-MI Executive Director Honored By ACLU For Protecting Civil Liberties,” is listed on national CAIR’s website. Take a look and you'll see that, immediately above thatheadline trumpeting the award for protecting civil liberties, and with the same dateline of December 15, is another article entitled "CAIR-FL: 'Kill All Muslim Kids' Hate Site Shut Down ."

CAIR Florida succeeded in getting a blog-hosting site to shut down a blog that had posted a parody encouraging violence, something, as we all know, that neither CAIR nor any of its supporters would ever support. You can read another version of what happened at Free Republic.

As far as I'm concerned even if the Florida blogger went too far, (and I haven't taken time to try to find out), there is still this business about the Bill of Rights and freedom of speech, which is paramount. Isn't that what the ACLU just gave Walid an award for "couraegously defending"? and didn’t CAIR just claim its mission was defending civil liberties? And weren’t both the ACLU and CAIR championing the protection of speech, even hate speech with terrorists over international telephone calls, in their lawsuit against the NSA, claiming it was protected by the Bill of Rights even in the face of legitimate concerns about national security?

It just isn’t right that CAIR can be this unaware of its own hypocrisy.


What we are said...

So the former World Workers PArty has given an award to the Arabocrats. Whoopdy Frickin' Doo. That would be like the Nobel Peace prize going to Yassir Arafat or Jimmy Carter. They obviously see freedom of speech the same way Ahmadinejad does. I have alittle post at my site on the "TRUTHERS." Let these morons practice their free speech around me and they can face the consequences of their actions.

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