Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Councilman from Bint Jabail

We fully intend to leave our aged and rheumatic Dearborn Underground grazing in its pasture contentedly and for good, except for thinking this once it’s in the public interest to say a word or two about Tarek Baydoun.

As Dearborn residents are aware, a character named Tarek Baydoun is working hard – or as hard as I guess a professional hustler like Baydoun ever works -- for a seat on the city council. We’ve paid our gimlet-eyed notice of Baydoun before, notably for his intemperate accusations of Islamophobia and carefully placing himself on the wrong side of every issue. Whether adopting the role of a journalist, a Democratic consultant, a lawyer, or a realtor, Baydoun’s focus is always to be spokesman inflaming the Islamic community and lying to the infidels about the connection between Islamic terrorism and Islam: Hasan’s murders at Ft. Hood were strictly criminal, with no religious component, and none of the 9/11 hijackers wereaffiliated with Islam.”

Baydoun is a committed Islamist who’s openly declared his loyalty to the One Nation, and it’s not the nation mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance. At least one metro-area source has publicly denounced him as a Hezbollah-sympathizing crook.

Dearborn already has a mayor who can’t tell the difference between the First Amendment and the paper his Potbelly’s sandwich comes wrapped in.  Things are going to get worse, regardless; we already know that. They’ll get worse faster if Baydoun gets into government.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to bring D. Underground out from pasture. I don't know why you call is rheumatic as if what your addressing is the debate on whether or not the computer is evil. I think what your are addressing is current...very much alive and growing.
I spoke to a small group of people a couple of weeks back, and I was asked which countries have Sharia law. I paused and thought...let's have a discussion. So I said, "Well, let's start with the U.S.A." The lawyer present...and unfortunately the monitor was outraged and had to stop everything to challenge me and address the group. He told them such comments were inflammatory and did no justice to the cause. (In this case, understanding the Muslim mind and loving those in the Muslim community.)
I was a bit taken aback by the response. I was shocked because this man supports what I do, and is a very intelligent man. I have many friends who are Muslim. I love them. But I do not love Islam and Sharia law.
Maybe he was reacting strongly due to the pain of what he feels from believing in a system for so many years that is crumbling from within. I dunno. But I told him I'd do some research and get back to him with documentation.
So I appreciate all you do. It is current. It is needed. Please reexamine your current position about putting D.U. out to pasture. Thank you.

Dearborn Voter said...

If Mr. Baydoun succeeds in his bid to win a seat on the City Council, I fear that Dearborn will begin to be changed in a way that non-Jihadists like me will not like.