Monday, September 24, 2012


A DU correspondent has provided a script we’ve been unable to confirm is the alternative version of the ad the Obama administration released in Pakistan apologizing for the “Innocence of Muslims” video. Unfortunately,  the ad, which features a song set to the tune of a classic Brenda Lee hit, was outside the range of the Secretary of State’s voice.  The result is the current ad. 

Hillary apology

Here’s the alternative if you’re interested.

“We’re Sorry” (with apologies to Brenda Lee)

(Fervently, with eyes cast down)

We’re sorry, so sorry                                                                                     That Copt was such a fool                                                                              You gotta know                                                                                                   We all agree: “That’s not cool”!                                                                   Oh, oh, oh, oh, uh-oh, oh, yes!

They tell us,  free speech                                                                                     Is amendment number one!                                                                           But that don’t mean                                                                                             A guy’s free to make fun                                                                                 Oh, oh, oh, oh, uh-oh, oh, no!

(We’re sorry) We’re sorry                                                                              (So sorry) So sorry                                                                                            We endorse your point of view!
You’re just  burnin’                                                                                           
To make sure that we learn  Shariah!                                                       Oh, oh, oh, oh Uh, oh Oh, yes

We’re sorry, so sorry                                                                                        Crossed the line while talkin’ free                                                                 But now we see                                                                                              That’s not how to be dhimmi                                                                            




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