Sunday, October 29, 2006

Political Correctness Makes Strange Embedfellows

It isn't only the American media that has been betraying their bias in favor of our jihadist enemies. Take a look at this worshipful coverage of the Taliban (or Taleban, in Britspell) by Dhimmi BBC boy-slave David Loyn, embedded with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Not since lefty American writers worshipped at the feet of North Vietnamese generals has the West been forced to endure such a disgusting display of treason. Yes, people, treason, because the Taliban are killing British soldiers, and Loyn was only just sorry he didn’t get to see a countrymen struck down so he could cover it. And this is in Afghanistan. You know, the war the left says it doesn't object to as immoral, illegal, and all the rest.

So why does the Beeb have a correspondent sending back reports from an enemy unit such as: "They have surprised the British by the ferocity of their fighting and their willingness to take casualties", and "The Taleban deny British claims that hundreds of their soldiers have been killed"?

After providing his readers with the status of Taliban morale, (up!), Loyn finishes off with this dramatic quotation: “The Taleban disappeared to the mountains after their defeat in 2001, and found it hard to recruit. Five years on they are back, and regrouping against an old enemy.”

That's a neat trick that "old enemy" reference. I’m betting Loyn’s editor had to snip the closing sentence:

“Five years on they are back, and regrouping against an old enemy, my homeland, Great Britain, that I HATE so much I am driven to write tracts for her sworn enemies.”

Is it any surprise, then, that the Daily Mail is now reporting that the BBC admits that most unjournalistic of sins: utter craven political cravenness, marked by a willingness to “throw into the dustbin” in front of TV cameras kosher food, the Bible, or the Archbishop of Canterbury. But never, never, NEVER the Koran. Why make an exception of the Koran? Answers our moral and intellectual superiors at the BBC, “for fear of offending Muslims”!

Okay, I know about how no really cool people respect kosher, or the Bible, or clergymen, and what-all these days. But what has me stumped is the bit about the Koran and Muslims. I mean, what could be easier to mock for educated, ironical intellectual types like Beeb correspondents than Taliban fighters, for God’s sake, cleaning their teeth with twigs? What would Monty Python have made of the game of goat-pull, for example? But, no, no, no, no, NO! Not the Koran! Why? For fear, they tell us! The BBC admits they are afraid.

So I have a question: Just exactly who is being occupied here? Where in history has there been such bootlicking, absent martial law and the daily fear of the gallows or the firing squad or the gas chamber? Who ever volunteered to be a quisling or a turncoat without at least his life being at stake? Is there even a moral category that can measure this low?

All of which brings to mind one particular speech by Winston Churchill, (undoubtedly broadcast by the once-great BBC), that he delivered to the U.S. Congress shortly after Pearl Harbor. In it, he defies the axis powers for their foolishness in underestimating the lasting enemies they had just made:

"What kind of people do they think we are? Is it possible that they do not realise that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they & the world will never forget."

It's that first sentence that always gets me. In the newsreels you can hear him almost hollering his Churchillian indignation: "What kind of people do they think we are?"

Maybe this week while you're watching CNN or reading the New York Times, or listening to the BBC or digesting any of the hundreds of other media analysts baying against this war aaginst jihad, you may try to remember that terrorist strategists in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, are carefully reading and watching the same things.

Then imagine Churchill asking you: "What kind of people do they think we are?"

What kind, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    We are a people who enjoy are freedom but, must realize soon (if it's not to late already) it is worth fighting for.
