Saturday, October 07, 2006

Joshua's Trail

If you live in the Detroit area you should check out Joshua’s Trail on WDTK, radio 1400 AM on Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. The program features commentary on politics and culture by three African-American ministers, led by Elder Levon Yuille, Pastor of The Bible Church in Ypsilanti. The special mission of Joshua’s Trail is to challenge the unquestioning loyalty of the Black community to the Democrat Party. Elder Yuille provides plenty of history showing how it’s the Democrats who were the party most closely associated historically with slavery, the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, segregation--and it was the Democrats who fought against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

As Elder Yuille and his colleagues explore each week, Black Christians tend to be social conservatives, but are loyal to pastors who’ve been telling them for years they have to vote only for Democrat candidates—in spite of Democrat support for homosexual marriages, abortion, anti-patriotism and other things odious to their parishioners.

Joshua’s Trail is fighting back and providing a forum for many free-thinking African-Americans who’ve been silenced by their civil-rights “leaders,” and the Democrat agenda those leaders are forcing down their throats. It’s a breath of fresh air.


  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    What???? Vote Republican and stop the gravy train? Suggest that welfare and affirmative action aren't needed. I agree with everything that Yuille says. The problem is that the black community is addicted to their entitlement and victim mentality. They will continue to support the Dems or whoever feeds that particular beast.

    Ironically, the Muslims have learned alot by observing how much Blacks have gotten away with the last 40 years.

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Anonymous, you sir, are part of the problem.
    I had the pleasure of meeting Milt from Joshua's Trail at the Gary Peters' Town Hall meeting. I was carrying an anti-government health care sign. Imagine my surprise when I was approached by Milt. He told me that it was a pleasure to talk to a "true American".
    Anonymous, your bigotry fuels the fire that we don't need in this country. It's not about people, it's about policies.

  3. I may be wrong. But it sounds like Anonymous made just a toungue in cheek comment. I took it as him agreeing with what Dr. Yuille had so say about it. But maybe I'm wrong. Either way, I'm glad that there are sane voices out there like Dr. Yuille that America badly needs if it wants to keep its sanity which I'm afraid we're beyond the point of fixing.
