Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dearborn Minister Unwittingly Sides with Countrymen

In the Thursday installment of the Detroit News series on the rebuilding efforts in Lebanon, “Wait for funds stalls recovery,” readers were edified by remarks of clergyman Rev. Julius Delpino, of First United Methodist Church in Dearborn, undoubtedly intended to make Americans feel bad for, um...oh, what difference does it even make what we're supposed to be feeling bad for? Behold:

“As he surveyed the damage and imagined the depth of human suffering in the battles and bombardment that occurred here, [Rev. Delpino] recalled passages from the Bible. He said, "'All of us, whether Arab or Jew or gentile, no matter what part of the world we come from, the heart of the matter is to care even for those that hate you.'"

Which is well-deserved, but I'm sure unintended praise indeed for us Americans, who are so often maligned for failing to live up to our heritage as a "so-called 'Christian' nation."

Because Hezbollah and all their willing supporters certainly hate us, yet look how well we take care of them!

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