Friday, October 20, 2006

Andrew McCarthy on the Defense of Liberty

Former US Attorney Andrew McCarthy , the man who put the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman in jail for life, has some useful suggestions on how we can still win the war against radical Islam. Here's a sample:

“Activist efforts to limit America's free marketplace of ideas -- such as the tactic of slandering commonsense criticism as ‘Islamophobia’ -- are contrary to the very foundation of democratic governance.”

For those of you wondering, McCarthy got the Sheikh convicted without benefit of the BRIDGES program.


  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    explain how islamophobia is common sense and crucial to democracy.

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    You obviously didn't read the post correctly. Calling criticism of Islam "islamophobic" is a tactic used to discredit any reasonable scrutiny of Islam and its' practice. It is nothing more than sociolinguistic bullying. It is all about manipulating public perception and not truth.

    Using words as a weapon is not new, nor is it unique to Islam. The same tactics are used by the gay lobby, feminists, environmentalists, socialists,.... and the far left in general. Truth is relative or completely ignored as an inconvenience. THAT is detrimental to democracy and freedom. That is the point Mr. McCarthy was making.

    Bruce Almighty
